Kanker Terbasmi oleh Sinar Sakti

Posted by Rudy | 10/16/2008 05:10:00 PM

I've got only 2 pieces of this kind of postage stamp. The title of the stamp is "kanker terbasmi oleh sinar sakti" which means "cancer is cured by powerful light"... The title (according to me :-) seems to have 2-sided meaning whether the cancer can really be cured by x-rays (medical treatment) or by psychic treatment, ie: "mystical powerful light"? G-d? Is it related to the G30S? Anyone knows the history of these stamps?


Pic 049

By the way, you can buy all the postage stamps here displayed at this blog by contacting me with messenger or e-mails :-) I want to sell all the collections...

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